Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Understanding Our Students

I was surfing the net to find any inspiration for my next blog entry and came across an article on  a teacher shadowing high school students.  With the intention of finding out what students really go through inside the classroom, Alexis Wiggins, a 15-year teaching veteran now working in a private American International School overseas followed two students for two days  -- a 10th grader and a 12th grader with the task of doing everything the student is  supposed to do. 

Following is the author’s findings on the journey he has taken for two days and his takeaway on the experience.  I also added my opinion based on my experience as a teacher.

Alexis’ key takeaway #1
Students sit all day, and sitting is exhausting.

I could not believe how tired I was after the first day. I literally sat down the entire day, except for walking to and from classes. We forget as teachers, because we are on our feet a lot – in front of the board, pacing as we speak, circling around the room to check on student work, sitting, standing, kneeling down to chat with a student as she works through a difficult problem…we move a lot.

But students move almost never. And never is exhausting. In every class for four long blocks, the expectation was for us to come in, take our seats, and sit down for the duration of the time. By the end of the day, I could not stop yawning and I was desperate to move or stretch. I couldn’t believe how alert my host student was, because it took a lot of conscious effort for me not to get up and start doing jumping jacks in the middle of Science just to keep my mind and body from slipping into oblivion after so many hours of sitting passively.

My takeaway (based on my observation during my classes)

I couldn’t agree less with the author. It is never easy to just sit down and commit one’s self to listening to the discussion of the teacher.  This is why at times, students tend to divert their boredom and exhaustion to talking with their seatmates, a scenario that we as teachers don’t understand because we are quick to conclude that such students are not interested at our discussion and are disturbing the focus of their classmates.

Alexis’ takeaway #2
High school students are sitting passively and listening during approximately 90 percent of their classes.

Obviously I was only shadowing for two days, but in follow-up interviews with both of my host students, they assured me that the classes I experienced were fairly typical.

In eight periods of high school classes, my host students rarely spoke. Sometimes it was because the teacher was lecturing; sometimes it was because another student was presenting; sometimes it was because another student was called to the board to solve a difficult equation; and sometimes it was because the period was spent taking a test. So, I don’t mean to imply critically that only the teachers droned on while students just sat and took notes. But still, hand in hand with takeaway #1 is this idea that most of the students’ day was spent passively absorbing information.

It was not just the sitting that was draining but that so much of the day was spent absorbing information but not often grappling with it.

I asked my tenth-grade host, Cindy, if she felt like she made important contributions to class or if, when she was absent, the class missed out on the benefit of her knowledge or contributions, and she laughed and said no.

I was struck by this takeaway in particular because it made me realize how little autonomy students have, how little of their learning they are directing or choosing. I felt especially bad about opportunities I had missed in the past in this regard.

My takeaway (based on my observation during my classes)

Our teaching strategy should be student-centered.  We are supposed to engage them in activities that do not only uncover their potentials but more importantly those that enable them to showcase their contributions to the learning process.  Yet, at times, we unconsciously focus on our self-imposed rule – that learning can only come from the expert, the teacher.  We sometimes still impose the idea that we control everything.  That we are the center of learning simply to boost our stature or feelings of self-worth.

Alexis’ takeaway #3
You feel a little bit like a nuisance all day long.

I lost count of how many times we were told be quiet and pay attention. It’s normal to do so – teachers have a set amount of time and we need to use it wisely. But in shadowing, throughout the day, you start to feel sorry for the students who are told over and over again to pay attention because you understand part of what they are reacting to is sitting and listening all day. It’s really hard to do, and not something we ask adults to do day in and out. Think back to a multi-day conference or long PD day you had and remember that feeling by the end of the day – that need to just disconnect, break free, go for a run, chat with a friend, or surf the web and catch up on emails. That is how students often feel in our classes, not because we are boring per se but because they have been sitting and listening most of the day already. They have had enough.

In addition, there was a good deal of sarcasm and snark directed at students and I recognized, uncomfortably, how much I myself have engaged in this kind of communication. I would become near apoplectic last year whenever a very challenging class of mine would take a test, and without fail, several students in a row would ask the same question about the test. Each time I would stop the class and address it so everyone could hear it. Nevertheless, a few minutes later a student who had clearly been working his way through the test and not attentive to my announcement would ask the same question again. A few students would laugh along as I made a big show of rolling my eyes and drily stating, “OK, once again, let me explain…”

Of course it feels ridiculous to have to explain the same thing five times, but suddenly, when I was the one taking the tests, I was stressed. I was anxious. I had questions. And if the person teaching answered those questions by rolling their eyes at me, I would never want to ask another question again. I feel a great deal more empathy for students after shadowing, and I realize that sarcasm, impatience, and annoyance are a way of creating a barrier between me and them. They do not help learning.

My takeaway (based on my observation during my classes)

We teachers are certainly guilty of such sarcasm more often than not.  I can only imagine how we rolled our eyes (or maybe some other acts showing disgust) to those who we feel have not been listening or attentive enough to ask us the same question.  I believe we need to be reminded of the word empathy.  Let’s be keen enough to identify with and understand somebody else’s feelings or difficulties.  That way, we set up a freeway to learning.

I find the shadowing thing an awakening for all of us teachers.  Alexis Wiggins has paved the way for us to better understand our students now and to be more empathic to their daily predicaments in going to class.  We don’t need to break our time-tested teaching strategies, we simply need to bend those old tricks a little and help our students say that going to school is never a difficulty after all.

Friday, April 24, 2015

The Wait

Six years suddenly happened like it was only yesterday.  You might just be running around while i run out of patience.

And sooner than i can see, i think i will just have to whistle against the wind  so you will hear my longing telling you to stop at that place i have intentionally dropped some tears for a mark.

Come now my dearly beloved. I have graciously gathered many a courage to fool myself you are just some prayers away...


Thursday, April 23, 2015

Living a Life of Healthy Relationships

We are made to live with others. This means that no matter what, we have to get along with the rest of our kind, otherwise we lose value of the design our Creator intended us to be.  And losing such value could mean depriving ourselves of the wonderful benefits healthy relationships bring.

Every relationship is meaningful.  No matter how trivial it may seem, it still has a meaning. In fact, Elizabeth Kubler Ross and David Kessler in their book Life Lessons articulated that there’s no such thing as an insignificant or accidental relationship.  According to them every meeting, encounter or exchange, with everyone from a spouse to an anonymous telephone operator, no matter how brief or profound, how positive, neutral, or painful, is meaningful. And in the grand scheme of things, according to them, every relationship is important for even the most trivial encounter with a passing stranger can teach us great deal about ourselves.  They stressed that every person we encounter holds the possibility of sending us to happiness, to a loving place in the mind, or to a place of struggle and unhappiness.

It is ideal to maintain a loving and a healthy relationship.  But the challenge of achieving it is far more difficult than any other task because dealing with people of varying personalities entails exceptional people skill. There is no relationship that is not shaken by challenges. We, at one time in our lives, experienced a broken relationship.  So how do we maintain a healthy relationship?

There are only two main culprits in destroying a relationship: giving offense or getting offended.  Without these two, relationships stand tall vigorous and harmonious.  But because we are people of differing standards and principles, we are vulnerable to offenses, giving or taking alike.

Luckily, Wayne Cordeiro, author of The Seven Rules of Success have identified three ways to maintain a healthy relationship, whether it is friendship, marriage, or family.  According to Wayne good relationships should begin with us.  We should be the one to water and nourish the relationship around us.  He underscores that when it comes to relationships, a crucial Rule of Success is :  GO FIRST!

Go First in Diffusing Anger
The most common reaction or feeling when we offend or get offended is for the other party or us to get angry.  It is clear that the common denominator is anger.  Wayne Cordeiro pointed out that a powerful life principle is accepting blame to rebuild a broken relationship.  He added that who is truly at fault is not the issue and that for healing to begin, anger had to be diffused.  According to him this principle moves us from the problem side of the equation to the solution side and that taking the blame doesn’t mean one is guilty but one initiates the diffusing of anger so that healing can begin.  When we take responsibility to accept the blame even if we are not at fault, we simmer down the fire of anger and we start the best move of restoring the broken relationship.

Go first in speaking words that Heal
By the time anger is diffused, we don’t expect instant healing of the offense.  This is where words play a crucial role.  Words according to Wayne Cordeiro carry a great power to either kill or bring life and that words can turn a healthy relationship sour or a soured relationship back to health.  It is now our chance to speed up the healing by infusing the shaky relationship with words that bring back life. Talk nicely.  Revive the wounded relationship with kind and caring words sealed with genuine intention.

Go First in doing Good
While the first two steps are already part of doing good, this last step talks about overcoming evil by doing good.  Wayne Cordeiro is serious when he underscored that being silent or being neutral does not overcome evil; evil can only be reversed by an action of goodness.  It is repealed by an act of kindness and annulled by unexpected gift-giving, according to him.  The rule, as Cordeiro stressed, is to never withhold and draw back but to continue giving gifts of encouragement.  He added that a powerful Rule of Success is gift-giving because it impedes the intrusion of evil, inhibits the erosion of life, and initiates fruitfulness. He further articulated that the test of gift-giving is not when things are going well but is best applied as a catalyst for healing when things are not going well.

Relationships are made to last.  Only if we choose to. We may not rebuild what was broken instantaneously but we should in the right time  

Choose to live with happiness.  Choose to live free from unnecessary baggage of resentment. Life is beautiful when you choose it to be so.