Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Table Centerpiece for Free

If u think recycling applies only to used plastic, glass, paper, textiles and electronics, think again. While i was about to clean my front yard from the usual fallen flowers of a flower bearing tree I planted some years back, I realized something good can come out of these seemingly waste material. With just a little ingenuity it took me only a little time to come up with a very unique center piece for my dining table at no cost.

Who would have thought these yellow fallen flowers can become a cost-free centerpiece...

Voila! A unique Dining table centerpiece fresh from my frontyard!!!


  1. very niceeeeeee...

  2. Awesome house...........perfect design and look fabulous and someday any of your fans will follow your step to be artistic like you....congratulations Mr. Roldan Go

  3. Nice idea Mr. Roldan Go.........the yellow fallen flowers is just like yourself to always give importance to people loves you because your kinda yellow heart describe your mode everyday thats why the result of your wholesome design look perfect and fabulous one.............your design is unique and no other designer thinking of this fallen yellow flowers originate from garden and become a cost free centerpiece and look stunning on top of the table........advise you to give more design here so that people will loves your design.....expect you to have more design soon......congratulations......

  4. Congrats Dan... Nice Blog... Keep it up... Looking forward for your next posts...


  5. thanks for all your comments!!!
